Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Help a Libyan family...

Assalaamu Alykum:

The conflict in Libya is continuing to increase. We cannot imagine the situation of a family that has to flee a war torn country. It is hard to picture the elderly, children and women fleeing to protect their lives. As time is passing, refugees are pouring in to the borders of Libya-Tunisia and Libya- Egypt. They are scared, hungry and destitute.

Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD) encourages you to come and support the Libyans in their time of need.

Every penny counts and there are countless ways to help:

$500 will help a Libyan family with food and lodging for one month.

$40/pack of medical gauze: The need for medical equipment is such that the doctors have been using construction material and automobile parts as medical supplies to help the wounded.

You can also contribute towards hot meals and baby milk.

HHRD has served hot meals in Ras Ajdir Camp to 17,000 refugees and is continuing to do so.

We are praying for Libya. Please donate generously. To donate towards Libya Relief please visit www.hhrd.org.

-HHRD Team

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